Saturday, December 19, 2009

Soul Quest Static

Hey everyone, please forgive me for how long it has taken for me to get back to you. Life has been incredibly busy, good but busy!

These are merely my own thoughts, not those of Pastor Dave or Connie... so please take what I write here with a grain of salt while I await the opportunity to present SQM youth for 2010 to Dave and Connie. Yet just to keep everyone in the is my outline for the future...

To represent a shift in our focus and while also moving towards growth... I want to call what we do on a weekly/bi-weekly basis Soul Quest Static. My explanation is lengthier than what I have time for right here and right now. The core principles of Static rolls out of relationship and operates/functions out of 3 pivot points.

Our goal is to....

- to God
- to one another


- Disciples who disciple, and live out missional lives.

Imagine a tree. A tree connects to the water (God)- to the flow of life and grows strong, and healthy and whole. The growth presents fruit, produces shade and giving attributes to others and the surrounding community.

We connect to the word, to God and to one another. We grow in every area we can through connection and we then share this with our inner community, outer community and the world at large. We live out transformed, changed lives that reflect God on every corner at every turn.

How is this done?

Through connecting in both physical and cyber space. Through sermons (directed series of messages tackling tough, adrenaline filled areas of life)- utilizing topical preaching when needed, and yet also utilizing expository and textual preaching under the license of narrative relationship. Sermons are supplemented with the use of media such as film, music, etc... where it is seen as helping in the fleshing out of a message not as a replacement for the message. We operate through worship with the use of tech but hopefully with live music through the use of our youth leaders/members leading to inclusion into the community. We discuss and question and seek out God's face both alone and together. We pray and we play. We share and we give to others through planned acts of serving (Grace centers of hope, helping out those in our congregation) and unplanned God-led experiences. (treasure hunts, etc) We seek out opportunities to share the Gospel with contacts we make at the school administrative level.

This is for the time being my perceived goal and outline for the future... if our perception for the future is that we must learn to crawl before we can walk that's fine. We're not a church that is about applying a formula and becoming an organized machine that yields churched people with unchanged lives. In a similar way I have also held for some time that the problem with the church has much to do with the very fact that we're not training up others to be disciples. We have to have disciples training up disciples who continue the trend with unwavering zeal and love for God and for others. Without discipling, we only have religious people.

We're not doing religion. We're not doing "youth group" or even for the sake of argument we're not doing a program. We're living out Jesus-centric lives with love, honesty, relationship, power and authority in His name.
- Lance