Monday, June 1, 2009


Hey everyone!

Sorry just now getting on here- life has been pretty busy as of late.

I believe that this platform could truly work as a solid communication tool. I can only speak for myself but with everyones busy work schedules, life schedules, etc... we just need to continue to work towards better communication as most of our success will be consistant with sound communication. There are a dozen different ways to communicate idea's, announcements, plans, etc... I would just hope that we could settle on one or two things in order to avoid frustration and so that we're all on the same page.

I'm really excited about the opportunity at hand, and hopefully my eagerness, or passion towards the material doesn't push anyone away. Because I believe that we all have amazing gifts to bring to the table, I'm just very passionate about the Gospel, about teaching God's word and about bringing up these teens with an understanding of God's love and purpose for them. So please bear with me if I come across aggressively about getting things underway, and about making sure that we're communicating on a regular basis. I have in the past been a part of different groups where we had an incredible range of talent sitting in the room but the lack of putting aside adequate time for planning and having sound communication divided the room and led to us failing.

So that's that... I'm looking forward to hearing from all of you!

- Lance