I wasn't sure if I should just comment on the post or just write another one. I decided this would probably be seen better than a comment so here is my response.
1. I think your first point is a good idea. We obviously don't have a lot of time to put something like together and have it be well done. I think just laying out what we're planning is a good enough idea that will allow the parents to just kind of think about it and to also encourage their kids to come!
2. I just have a question about this remark. What do you mean by advertise? Like an announcement? Because really if you think about it this isn't a normal "announcement" like we have at church. If the six of us (or even just one couple) go up to the front and say that we're starting a youth group I think people will be so excited because we've never been close to having one.
3. We concur.
4. I think at least one meeting with the parents is also a great idea. And you are most likely right about not having to meet with them very often.
Just a side note on availability. This weekend we are available Friday afternoon/evening, Saturday morning/afternoon and then obviously Sunday is Sunday. I don't know if that's relevant but just wanted to throw that out there.
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