Tuesday, May 26, 2009

Just an idea

Figured this might be a good way to communicate through out the day- we can list idea's, questions, concerns, etc here. Until Tina and I can get a microphone and skype up and running... we can utilize this as a means of comm. So here are a few things I've been thinking...

1. The "Office" idea is great for a future theme or something but perhaps due to time constraints, etc... we might want to opt for something a bit easier to run with? Just a thought...

2. We should advertise the event this Sunday- we can hold conversation about what we want to address through out the week on here... I've come up with a basic Who/What/Where/How/etc... type write-up... I'll attach the rough draft of it below for reading.

3. I'm very excited about everything that we're working on and I hope that we can all get together in the near future and talk about things further. Personally I'm ready to take this youth event to the max... Pastor Dave has told me in the past in weekly meetings that he wholy wants us to make it our own and that he would like to see our personalities in this project.

4. Last, perhaps it would be a good idea that we meet with the youth (even this weekend coming up) discuss with them what they might be interested in learning, etc... then create a write up concerning what they had to say and then we can meet with the parents. Either way I would hope (and I do believe) that we're only in need of meeting up with the parents one time, and after that I'm almost positive that we will have their consent to touch all area's of life concerning their children. With "heavy" issues I'm inclined to believe that we can do no worse that the public school system that's in place- quite honestly I'm positive that we will talk about "the big issues" in a way that is not only honest and real but also convincing- I'm just a big believer that if Pastor Dave has given us "the keys" to this activity then he must trust us to do well with it... which if he believes in what we're set to put together so should the parents that attend the church.

Youth Gathering

Topics Covered

The Six of us.
- What?
Youth Group Bi-Weekly Service complete with an open forum for discussion, teaching, worship and (of course) Fun!
- Where/When?
SoulQuest Church (Saturday Evening)
Because its imperative that our youth become equipped with a Faith they can be both lived out and that they can grow with. Because those that are in High School when they graduate from school they often also “graduate” from the Church. Because these are the formative years for Faith, Because Luke 18:16 has Jesus calling to the children, and stating that we’re “not to hinder them, for the Kingdom of God belongs to them.” Jesus had placed a high importance on the children and so should we.
We’ll learn through a variety of activities. Through a curriculum tailored made to help the youth learn to engage and support their Faith convictions. Students will learn to question, and yet question with integrity and honesty. By helping the youth develop a worldview- a system of belief. By not leaving any questions off the table. By having fun and enjoyment through worship, fellowship and community building exercises. By opening up our own lives to the youth, by being real, and honest and acting with Christ-like love.

If you want to keep posts in secret- save them as a draft and leave them unpublished.

Hopefully this helps with communication and go ahead and change the format, template, etc. I just set things up in a hurried fashion.

Peace be With you.