Wednesday, September 9, 2009


Hey Leaders!

I hope that everyone is having a good week! It of course would have been nice to get together to prep for this Saturday nights youth group but we've all been obviously busy. Thank you Keely for sending the invites/attendance RSVP's out through Facebook. I'll keep this short but I did want to mention whether or not it would be possible to utilize Wednesday nights from October and beyond for youth group. Now I know we originally talked about Saturday nights and even decided upon it but that was before some recent issues with my employment changed. I have a new boss that has told me that having Saturday nights off would be next to impossible for me going forward. Now this isn't to say that I will work every Saturday night but that I just have to leave the option open for them. I'm discouraged by this but hopefully Wednesday nights will end up working for everyone going forward. I'll see what I can do about attempting to keep Saturday nights if Wednesday nights are not available but there is a good chance that we will have to go the route of every other Wednesday night starting in October. Please comment and add what you want...

This Saturday we will talk about John 9: From Darkness into Light.


Anonymous said...

I think Wednesday nights would work for us as far as I know. Ryan has a class thursday night and another class but I don't know what day.

With my job it is also hard to get Saturday nights off. Right now there are only 5 (soon to be 4) supervisors and on the weekend we split Saturday and Sundays between the 4 of us. I have always requested Sundays off so I have to split Saturday with another supervisor.

So as far as I know Wednesday will work for us.


Lance Pearce said...

Thanks for the reply Keely!

I'm hoping that Wednesdays work for everyone moving forward in October.